Monday, October 25, 2010


I will start to post on this blog, but I'll admit, my knitting/crafting blog takes up most of my time and gets priority.

Part of the lack of posting is feeling like this particular blog lacks focus. I have the crafting blog, a gluten-free cooking blog, and I have a yet-unposted-to art blog. Then there's this one which covers everything else...or will someday. The majority of my favorite blogs to follow are specialized in content: they cover a specific area of the blogger's life. As my first three blogs show, I happen to like this model of keeping like-content all in one place. It's tidy; one knows what to expect when she reads it. But at some point, one can have too many blogs to upkeep and it seems silly to have more then 3 or 4.

So I'm going to make an effort to post about the other things I want to blog but do not fit into the other 3 that I am maintaining. I want to cover the progress on my 30 before Thirty list, Outfits of the Day (OotD), and anything else that strikes my fancy at the time.