Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day O5: Best Friend

This one was tough for me. Like the topics before, I have no singular answer to this challenge. I'm not the type to have just one bestest of friends; it's constantly changing depending on where I am and what I'm doing at the time.

Overall, The Mister is my best friend and has been for more then a decade--14 years, to be exact; exactly half of my life time. I credit this with the fact that our relationship has weathered some pretty stressful stuff including one deployment to date and trying to find our way through being adults with handling our money. It's hard to keep a relationship together if it didn't have a strong friendship based foundation to begin with.

My longest term best friend is named Katie. (But not the one blogging with me and taking this challenge as well. :] ) We've been friends since we were 5 years old, though in recent years, we've grown apart a bit. She's basically my "other sister."

My sister and I are also quite close and enjoy each other's company. I consider her another best friend of mine.

But at the end of the day? I have to be my own best friend. My life style leads to a lot of solo time (plus many more deployments in the future) and if I do not love me most of all...well, it makes things rough. I have to be able to depend on me because I really have no one else. I have a difficult time making friends and forming bonds with others--when they do form though, they're pretty deep. I'm OK with this for the most part, even if I do get lonely at times.

I have more conversations/correspondence with myself then anyone else. We spend a lot of time together, my mind and I. We're always there for each other and working through things. Perhaps I'm a bit odd. Maybe it's narcissistic, but I chose me.

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