Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Giving this a try, kittens

A quick hello for Contradictive Tendencies from SewKnitpicky on Vimeo.

This was made at 11:00pm last night, so please forgive the lighting and flightiness. Though, in the middle of the day, I'm not much better. I also have a tendency to talk fast; sorry about that. :P

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Kittens, I've been playing with the idea of doing some video log entries. Are there any topics you'd like to see or questions you'd like to ask me?

Monday, July 4, 2011

30 Before Thirty: update

I'm slowly getting closer to my reading goal for my 30 before Thirty list. With a little over a year left on the clock, I have 10 books left to go!

So here's the updated list:

O1. The End of America
O8. thrift
1O. Money Girl's Smart Moves to Deal With Your Debt
14. Ghostly Awakening (This link was taken down for some reason. Not sure why it's gone.)

18-20 were read pretty quickly thanks to the illness that took me down for 2 full weeks. I didn't have time to craft, but I had time to read.

STUFF was fascinating (and borrowed from the library). Those who know me well enough know how I feel about our culture's current point-and-stare obsession with hoarding: I find it distasteful, to say the least. Reading a book about the most current information on the affliction was enlightening and updated my own store of information. Being an information geek, I like being current when going on my Know It All streaks. It also confirmed what I already intuited: these clean-out shows are traumatic to the hoarder involved and ultimately, pointless. I hope our obsession with hoarding soon fades and the TV shows devoted to it get cancelled. (Seeing my counterparts talk about how watching these shows to motivate themselves to clean makes me want to projectile vomit on them.)

The Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking is one that I bought. I'm on the fence about how I feel about this; I'm apparently a bit higher up on the homemaking pecking order than I originally thought. Meaning, quite a bit of the information in it was not really meant for me, but for those who are truly being introduced to the idea of eating at home and making one's own food, doing laundry, mending, cleaning without toxic cleaners, etc. It did have a few nifty tips in it that I hadn't encountered before, but I'm not sure it's worth keeping. I was expecting a few recipes or a bit more in-depth information. This book was more of a super basic overview to what goes into making a home. I've peeked at the author's blog before and found it more informative, so I guess I assumed the book would be as well.

Food Rules took me less than 2 hours to read and is another book I own. I really enjoyed The Omnivore's Dilemma, but this book of Pollan's left me going, "really?" As in, I really spent money to buy this when most of it is common sense? (To anyone who has already started unplugging from the industrial food system, anyway.) And I really spent the money to have to read more wank about the obesity "epidemic"? Again, maybe if someone is less acquainted with the topic, it might be revolutionary. For me, it was a waste of time and money. Pity.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

30 Before Thirty: update

Lately, I've been reading again, so I thought I'd update my books read to date list.

To date I have read:

O8. thrift
1O. Money Girl's Smart Moves to Deal With Your Debt
14. Ghostly Awakening (This link was taken down for some reason. Not sure why it's gone.)

I've been debating if I want to review any of these books or not. From the current batch, I have mostly negative things to say about them with the exception of one. (The New Frugality, if anyone is curious. I was pretty neutral about Money Girl... and The Cheapskate Next Door.) It's in my nature to point out fault, but I'm not sure this is always helpful. I suppose I could try being more vague and general rather than nitpicking.

If you are like me and dislike reading books that are written by preachy people or tell you a bunch of things you already know and think it's new because it was new to them, avoid Green with Envy and No Impact Man. Both books also leaned really heavily on the, "WE MUST BE SPIRITUAL, WHAT DO THE RELIGIONS SAY...?" angle. As an atheist, this should not surprise anyone that it bothered me. A couple of mentions are fine, but when it starts becoming several times a chapter, you better believe my eyes are rolling, and I'm debating if I want to finish.

If I had to be honest, No Impact Man annoyed me the most. I had watched the documentary based on this project awhile back and it turns out that the author is equally annoying in print, even at the end when he's supposed to have learned so much about himself and made changes. I had been expecting a book with some practical information about the project, instead, it was filled with his obsessions and speshul problems. And seriously, dude: explain what the hell you did when you gave up toilet paper rather than throwing a hissy about how everyone wants to know about it. We do not live in the land of bidets here, and believe it or not, some of use would like to find ways to decrease our TP consumption. I made it through this book by sheer will power. It was not what I was expecting it to be.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, The New Frugality was well worth the time spent reading it, and I'm considering purchasing it for my collection at home. It was chock full of useful information and it struck a nice balance between Your Money or Your Life which was about spending as little money as possible, retiring NOW, and sustaining this sparsity for life, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which read like a bad GET RICH QUICK! scheme with all the talk about expensive cars and million dollar homes and how sparsity is for suckers. Not only that, it's a more recent publication and went into changes that we'll see in our lifetime regarding retirement and the effects of the recession. I learned more from this book than any of the others I've read to date. The only thing that raised my hackles about this book was the author's insistence that we must pay for our children's college education. On this subject, I actually agree with The Cheapskate Next Door and what was described as "oxygen mask parenting."

Anywho. I'm starting to fall into the desire to critique and nitpick these books to death.

I'm so excited that I'm just over halfway to 30 read, and I have just over a year to read the last 13! I'm thinking I may be more selective for these last ones. Truth be told, I've read a lot of duds recently because they were free Kindle downloads or library books.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 15: Family Picture

Today, we took family portraits. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it was also the theme of today's art challenge. Yay for photo days! I love how goofy my kids are in this one.

(The camera was at an awful angle for me but not everyone else, so I let it go. No need to be vain. :P

Next time, we'll have it sitting up just a bit higher. )

Day 14: Fave Fairy Tale

I'm not a fan of fairy tales, especially not the modern, cleaned up Disney versions of them. Princesses make me gag, and I want to kick most Princes in the taint. They're filled with women who are either evil witches, twits, or seductive enchantresses. It's hard to find a solid, sensible female character in the lot of them. (In all fairness, it's hard to find a good character in them, period.)

I am however, a fan of modern fairy tales, particularly those written by Neil Gaiman. In my definition, a fairy tale is a story that is over the top and filled with fantasy, but has a lesson hidden at the core. It's usually obtained through a test or trial. Of his fantastical stories, Coraline and Star Dust are my favorites, but I chose Coraline for this challenge. I was disappointed that the movie version was softened and weakened a bit to put in a male filler character. The book version will always be first in my heart.

Day 13: Comic

I'm the mother of an almost-five-year-old boy. I do not make this stuff up. Hello there, life.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 12: Most Recent Accomplishment

It's a fairly small accomplishment, but I'm proud of it: I've gone 6 weeks without using a credit card for anything. (Getting out of debt is one of my 30 Before Thirty I'd like to accomplish.)

Day 11: Turning Point In Your Life

Boring, but true. I have never had anything come along that seriously changes my life and is a memorable event. Change has always happened over time for me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1O: Fave Candy

There are some who may find my love of Easter to be contradictory to my atheism. But honestly, any holiday that provides much chocolate and revolves around abundant fertility is A-OK by me. And with it comes some of my favorite candy ever: Cadbury Mini Eggs. NOM.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day O9: Fave TV Show

If you are not sick of seeing the words, "I do not really have a favorite _____," yet, then today may not bother you too much. Because yet again, I do not really have a favorite show, so I chose my own criteria. I based today off of the type of show I'll watch no matter what and never seem to tire of: Do-it-yourself TV. I love shows on how to make stuff.

Day O8: Fave animated character

This one was a bit tricky. I love animated films more then just about anything, but I could not pick a single character to declare the one I love most of all. I chose to stick to a favorite character who has been featured in video games and her own campy TV show: Hello Kitty. (Among the hundreds of other things sporting her image, including "personal" massagers. LOVE her.)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day O7: Favorite Movie

At first, I had a hard time choosing. I'm a movie snob, and I make no apologies for it. I'm very picky about my visual entertainment.

Then, it hit me: Amelie.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day O6: Favorite Book

Hands down, this is my favorite story and my fascination started with it sometime when memories start to form and stick. Before I could read, I would page through the book and stare at the beautiful watercolors, making up my own story to go along. I own it both in English and the original French.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day O5: Best Friend

This one was tough for me. Like the topics before, I have no singular answer to this challenge. I'm not the type to have just one bestest of friends; it's constantly changing depending on where I am and what I'm doing at the time.

Overall, The Mister is my best friend and has been for more then a decade--14 years, to be exact; exactly half of my life time. I credit this with the fact that our relationship has weathered some pretty stressful stuff including one deployment to date and trying to find our way through being adults with handling our money. It's hard to keep a relationship together if it didn't have a strong friendship based foundation to begin with.

My longest term best friend is named Katie. (But not the one blogging with me and taking this challenge as well. :] ) We've been friends since we were 5 years old, though in recent years, we've grown apart a bit. She's basically my "other sister."

My sister and I are also quite close and enjoy each other's company. I consider her another best friend of mine.

But at the end of the day? I have to be my own best friend. My life style leads to a lot of solo time (plus many more deployments in the future) and if I do not love me most of all...well, it makes things rough. I have to be able to depend on me because I really have no one else. I have a difficult time making friends and forming bonds with others--when they do form though, they're pretty deep. I'm OK with this for the most part, even if I do get lonely at times.

I have more conversations/correspondence with myself then anyone else. We spend a lot of time together, my mind and I. We're always there for each other and working through things. Perhaps I'm a bit odd. Maybe it's narcissistic, but I chose me.

Day O4: A Favorite Place

I'm a little behind on the challenge, but I'll try to catch up. Today, I was a bit "lazy" and took a photo with the Retro Camera application on my Android. I used the "Little Orange Box" camera.

This is a corner of my bedroom and one of the places I'll retreat to when I need a break from my kids and other things. I often read, journal, and knit/crochet in this corner. I wish I had taken the picture in the morning when the light is coming in the window. In the evening, that corner is rather dark. Someday, I plan to purchase a floor lamp to place behind the chair. This chair is the only piece of furniture in our home that is really to scale for me. Everything else is geared more toward my 6'3" Mister. (I plan to eventually replace this chair with an equally well scaled modern rocker....or maybe this chair. Oooh.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day O3: A favorite food

Whenever I get stressed out, my absolute favorite comfort food is plain ground beef, liberally salted. Beef in any form with salt will do, really. NOM.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day O2: A Favorite Animal

Day O1: Myself

30 Day Art Challenge!

One of the things I've been wanting to do, now that my children are older, is to get back into arting. On Pinterest, I saw a 30 day art challenge going around and my friend Katie and I decided to give it a go. I believe another friend will be joining us.

So here it is:

Wish me luck?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Free Headboard Makeover

For awhile, I've been wanting to redo our headboard. But first, some back story on the piece.

Back in mid-2007, we PCSed to Goodfellow AFB for The Mister to teach at the fire school. The city had a fairly new Ashley's Furniture store and about the time we moved there, they were having an anniversary giveaway. Every week for a set amount of time (a month, I believe?), they gave away a "free" cruise package. At the end of the celebration, they did larger giveaways including a $5000 store gift card. Guess who won that?! Our poor family with no decorative items suddenly had money to purchase rugs, art, some furniture (sadly, almost all of it was so uncomfortable we gave it away when we moved to our current duty station), an entertainment stand, and lastly, a new bed frame for our room. Our previous one had met its demise when The Mister decided to take a flying leap and tackle the bed one day: the frame lost. At the time, we were sleeping on our mattress and box spring on the floor. A free bed frame with head board was definitely welcome.

So we went to the store and didn't like anything they had on the sales floor. (The Mister and I have fairly different styles and very rarely agree on anything. Anything he liked, I hated. Anything I found tolerable, he couldn't stand.) Finally, we turned to the sales catalogue with the items they can order in. After much looking, we settled for one that looked like it was a tall, upholstered head board with the bed rails upholstered in the same fabric. I remember the shot in the catalogue was a head-on one, and that the fabric looked like it was a pretty neutral, creamy/gray color. Imagine my surprise when what showed up at our door was a bed that was a) yellow/wheat colored and b) was a monstrosity of an upholstered half-sleigh bed that stood about 6 inches off the wall. Had it not been free, I would have sent it back and returned it. was free, so we decided to deal until a time that we could afford to replace it. To date, finances have prevented this.

About the time we moved in June of 2010, I started hatching a plot: if we couldn't afford to replace the headboard--and dude, it was FREE, not like we were destroying something we put money into--why not alter it to something more suited to our tastes? The Mister resisted and the subject was dropped.

About 2 months ago, I started persisting again, because I really, really wanted to take off the ridiculous sleigh bed curl at the top of the head board. I would peek behind it and sigh at the floor space it was eating up and hiding back there. (Our current bedroom is rather large, but who wouldn't like an extra few inches to walk around the bed?) The Mister said we would get to it, but then his training came up and my plans had to be put on hold for a month.

Then came Friday, and the urge to rip apart the head board became so strong that I moved the bed off the wall and started investigating the back. After determining that the back had too many staples to make ripping them out practical, I decided the best approach would be to carefully slit it open and take a peek inside. I found The Mister and asked him where he kept his crafting knives and carpet knife. After asking me why, he decided to take over and about 20 minutes later, this was happening.

Ah, I love that man when he gets it in his mind to get something done. For as resistant as he can be to things, he's equally as enthusiastic and focused when he decides it should get done. Apparently, I need to threaten to take a sharp knife to our belongings more often. (I did try to find a photo from when we first got the bed, but couldn't find one. And I didn't think to take one before it was ripped open, so just imagine the fabric and padding are still covering it. It's funny, with the really YELLOW foam right next to it, the bed looks much less so. The back of the fabric which you can see, is a much truer representation of what color the bed is. It just photographs neutral. :P )

Two and a half Mister Hours later, and no cost to us, we had this.

So much better. It's still a little curved, but it's such an improvement and changes the whole feel of the room. We gained about 4" of floor space as well. For now, I'm content to leave it as-is, but when we move at the end of this year/beginning of next, I plan to change the color of the fabric. I love the texture and the fabric itself, but hate the color. I'm thinking of finding a way to airbrush it with a watered down fabric paint mixture.

And guess who else really loves it and keeps making positive comments?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Small 30 Before Thirty Update

This poor dusty blog, sitting over here and getting no love at all. Every couple of months I make a post and then leave it sit again. Blog, someday I will have more time, and I'll update you more often. I promise. But until then, please just accept me for who I am and know that I really *do* think about updating you. I'm a flake. Sad, but true.

I have been making some progress on my 30 things I'd like to do/accomplish before I turn thirty on 20 July, 2012. I have been crossing off items as I go, but some require a list in themselves. I've been doing a little reading lately--not at the pace I need to accomplish 30 whole books before July 2012, however.

To date I have read:

O8. thrift

*I know I said REAL books for this list, but I figure that reading all 6 in their entirety in a sitting counts for something. :P

**I read the really old version of this book, not the updated one. I'd be willing to reread it just to see if their amusing predictions for what the early 2000s would look like have been amended or commented upon.

So I'm not doing too bad so far: 09 out of 30 are read. :)